Faculty Contact Info

OFFICE:  909 S Wolcott

              4141 COMRB

PH #:  (312) 996-5678

EMAIL:  hmjung@uic.edu

LAB PAGE - Coming Soon

A T32 postdoctoral position (US Citizen or Permanent Resident) is immediately available. Please send your CV and cover letter to hmjung@uic.edu.​​​​​​​

Hyun-Min Jung, PhD


B.S., Ajou University, S. Korea; Biomedical Science (2006).

M.S., CHA University, S. Korea; Molecular Genetics (2008).

PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; Molecular Cell Biology (2013).

Postdoc, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; Cancer Biology (2014).

Postdoc, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; Vascular Biology/
Zebrafish Genetics (2020).


Research Interests

The Jung Lab is interested in understanding how lymphatic vessels develop and function. The lymphatic system is essential for maintaining fluid homeostasis and immune surveillance and plays unique organ-specific functions. Defects in this system can lead to many diseases such as lymphedema, cardiovascular diseases, cancer metastasis, organ transplant failure, inflammatory diseases, and obesity. However, there are not many options to treat these disorders due to our limited knowledge about this system.

We use the zebrafish to explore scientific questions in vascular biology. The zebrafish is a superb model organism for in vivo analysis with several advantages: 1) Rapid external development, 2) Optical clarity, 3) High Fecundity, 4) Genetic malleability, 5) High-throughput screening. These advantages permit rapid, visible, and quantifiable analysis in the context of normal or genetically or experimentally manipulated animals. High-resolution live imaging on fluorescence-labeled transgenic animals is a powerful technique that provides unique information underlying vascular development and cellular behavior in living organism in real time.

    Confocal images of transgenic zebrafish larvae at different developmental stages. Lymphatic vessels are labeled with GFP and blood vessels are labeled with mCherry.

    We are currently studying these interesting topics in lymphatic vascular biology and are open to exciting ideas to understand the basics underlying the lymphatics

    • ·      New mechanisms of lymphangiogenesis.
    • ·      MicroRNAs in lymphatic development and function.
    • ·      Crosstalk between lymphatic vessels and immune cells.
    • ·      Organ-specific lymphatic vessels.​​​​​​​

    Live confocal imaging of vascular development. Comparison vascular development of wild type and miR-204 morphant animals, of which morphants fail to differentiate lymphatic progenitors.

    Live confocal imaging of neutrophil (green) trafficking in lymphatic vessels (red).

    Selected Publications

    Jung HM, Hu CT, Fister AM, Davis AE, Castranova D, Pham VN, Price LM, Weinstein BM. MicroRNA-mediated control of developmental lymphangiogenesis. eLife 8:e46007, 2019

    Li D, March ME, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Kao C, Seiler C, Pinto E, Matsuoka LS, Battig MR, Bhoj EJ, Wenger TL, Tian L, Robinson N, Wang T, Liu Y, Weinstein BM, Swift M, Jung HM, Kaminski CN, Chiavacci R, Perkins JA, Levine MA, Sleiman PMA, Hicks PJ, Strausbaugh J, Belasco JB, Dori Y, Hakonarson H. ARAF recurrent mutation causes central conducting lymphatic anomaly treatable with a MEK inhibitor. Nature Medicine 25(7):1116-1122, 2019.

    Santoro MM, Beltrame M, Panáková D, Siekmann AF, Tiso N, Galanternik MV, Jung HM, Weinstein B.M. Advantages and challenges of cardiovascular and lymphatic studies in zebrafish research. Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology 7:89, 2019.

    Jung HM, Castranova D, Swift MR, Pham VN, Galanternik MV, Isogai S, Butler MG, Mulligan TS, Weinstein BM. Development of the larval lymphatic system in the zebrafish. Development 144:2070-2081, 2017

    Jung HM, Isogai S, Kamei M, Castranova D, Gore AV, Weinstein BM. Imaging blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the zebrafish. The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology, Part A Cell Biology, Methods in Cell Biology 133:69-103, 2016.

    Jung HM, Phillips BL, Chan EKL. miR-375 activates p21 and suppresses telomerase activity by coordinately regulating HPV E6/E7, E6AP, CIP2A, and 14-3-3. Molecular Cancer 13:80, 2014.

    Jung HM, Patel RS, Phillips BL, Wang H, Cohen DM, Reinhold WC, Chang LJ, Yang LJ, Chan EKL. Tumor suppressor miR-375 regulates MYC expression via repression of CIP2A coding sequence through multiple miRNA-mRNA interaction. Molecular Biology of the Cell 24(11):1638-1648, 2013.

    Jung HM, Phillips BL, Patel RS, Cohen DM, Jakymiw A, Kong WW, Cheng JQ, Chan EKL. Keratinization-associated miR-7 and miR-21 regulate tumor suppressor reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with kazal motifs (RECK) in oral cancer. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(35):29261-29272, 2012.