University of Illinois College of Medicine

Department of Pharmacology

Visiting Professor Seminar Series

Spring 2023

Wednesdays at 12:00 PM, 1020 COMRB




Katherine Yudeh King, MD, PhD

Associate Professor,

Pediatrics-Infectious Diseases, Baylor College of Medicine, Huston TX




"Inflammation in Steady State
and Clonal Hematopoiesis"

Crina Nimigean, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Physiology & Biophysics
Weill Cornell Medicine
New York, NY



“Ball-and-chain inactivation
and lipid modulation in
ligand-gated ion channels”


Timothy Blackwell, PhD

Professor of Medicine
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

“Leveraging Genetics and
Genomics to Advance
Understanding of Progressive
Pulmonary Fibrosis”

Anton Bennett, PhD

Dory McConnell Duberg Professor of Pharmacology, Interim Chair, Pharmacology,

Yale School of Medicine, 

New Haven, CT

"Signaling by Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases in Health and Disease: Pathways to Therapeutics"

Carole Parent, PhD

Raymond and Lynne Ruddon Collegiate Professor of Cancer Biology & Pharmacology, University of Michigan,

Ann Arbor MI

“The Neutrophil Nucleus is a Signaling Hub During Chemotaxis”

Michael Bristow


Nahum Sonenberg, PhD

Gilman Cheny Chair in Biochemistry, James McGill Professor,

McGill University

Montreal Canada


"Translational control of cancer by eIF4E via the mTOR and MAPK pathways

Luisa Arispe, PhD

Stephen Walter Ranson Professor of Cell Biology & Chair,

Cell and Developmental Biology Dept Northwestern U Feinberg School of Medicine


Seminar Links will be sent out 1 week in advance.


Coordinator:  (312) 355-3281


Revised:  7/11/2022